PLR®-4000 Pupilometer 多功能瞳孔测试仪
PLR®-4000 Pupillometer
NeurOptics® PLR®-4000瞳孔测量仪以先进的设计为临床医生提供定量的红外技术,客观、准确地测量瞳孔大小和动态。PLR-4000提供了一个舒适的人体工程学设计,结合了条形码扫描仪,无线充电,以及易于阅读的触摸屏LCD和图形。
● 可调整设置(光刺激强度和持续时间、测量的持续时间和开始时间、背景照明)。
● 数据存储在设备上,结果可通过连接线至外部计算机或打印机打印当前数据
● 视频播放和下载上次测量的视频
● 测量的视频可以在设备的屏幕上播放
● 连续的瞳孔记录(无光刺激时≤10分钟,有光刺激时≤41秒)
Init = Maximum Diameter | 收缩前的最大瞳孔直径 |
Init = Maximum Diameter | 收缩峰值时的瞳孔直径 |
Delta = % Change |
变化的百分比(大小-最小值)/大小为百分比 |
LAT =Latency of constriction | 光刺激开始后开始收缩的时间 |
ACV = Constriction Velocity | 瞳孔直径收缩的平均速度,以mm/s计算 |
MCV = Maximum Constriction Velocity | 瞳孔直径收缩的最大速度,以mm/s计算 |
ADV = Dilation Velocity |
在达到收缩的峰值后,瞳孔趋于恢复并扩张到最初的静止大小时的平均瞳孔速度,以mm/s计算。 |
T75 = 75% Recovery Time | 瞳孔收缩达到峰值后,达到原基线瞳孔直径的75%的时间。 |
1. Schallenberg M, Bangre V, Steuhl KP, Kremmer S, Selbach JM., Comparison of the Colvard, Procyon, and Neuroptics pupillometers for measuring pupil diameter under low ambient illumination. J Refract Surg. 2010 Feb;26(2):134-43.
2. Distance from the front surface of the eye to the back of a lens or optical device.
3. The pupil is never at rest, and therefore a single, static, measurement is unlikely to be an accurate assessment of a pupil’s true amplitude or range of diameter. To compensate for pupillary unrest, NeurOptics employs a dynamic measurement system which captures 30 pupil positions over an approximate 2-second scanning period, thus producing the weighted average pupil size and standard deviation.